N-Turmit Hoeing C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-4/4 F- H- M-1D-8 D-8 S-6 G-4 D-4 B-4 D-4 G-8 G-8 G-2 G-4 a-4 b-4 c-4 b-4 b-4_a-2 S-6 L- Now the first job that I wor-ked at for Mais- ter Far- mer Varr, H- M-1b-8_c-8 S-6 d-4 b-4 c-4 a-4 b-4 G-8 G-8 a-4 D-4 D-4 D-4 E-4 F-4 G-8 F-8 E-4 S-6 L- He come to I one day and he said, "A first- class tur- mit ho- er thee't H- M-6D-4 B-8 D-8 S-6 W-2 G-3 D-4 a-3 D-4 W-3 b-4 d-4 c-4 b-4 b-4 a-2 b-4 d-5 b-8 S-6 L- are. For the fly the flie, the fly got on the tur- mit; It's all that H- M-4c-8_b-8 a-4 S-6 b-4 G-4 a-4 G-4 G-4 F-4 E-4 D-4 E-4_F-4 G-4 S-6 S-6 L- I can do to try, to keep fly off the tur- mit.