N-Warlike Seamen C- A- T- S-100 K-F B-2/2 F- H- M-5C-4 S-6 C-4 F-4 F-4 F-4 F-2 F-8_G-8 a-4 G-4 F-4 E-4 D-4 C-3 S-6 L- Come all you war- like sea- men that to the seas be- long, H- M-5b-4 S-6 G-4 G-4 G-4 c-4 a-4 G-4 F-4 F-4 a-4 c-4 b-4 a-4 G-3 S-6 L- I'll tell you of a fight, my boys, a- board the Not- ting- ham; H- M-1G-8 a-8 S-6 b-5 G-8 a-4 b-4 c-4_a-4 F-4 F-4 a-4 c-4 b-4 a-4 G-3 S-6 L- It was of an I- rish Cap- tain, his name was So- mer- ville, H- M-5C-4 S-6 F-5 G-8 a-5 b-8 c-4 c-4 G-8_a-8 b-4 a-4 F-4 D-4 E-4 F-3 S-6 S-6 L- With cou- rage bold did he con- trol, he played his part so well.