N-When That I Was a Little Tiny Boy C- A- T- S-50 K-G B-2/4 F- H- Em Am B Em Am B M-1W-4 b-8 b-0 b-0 G-8 G-8 a-0 b-0 a-0 G-0 F-8 G-0 a-0 b-4 G-9 G-0 a-0_b-0 a-0 G-0 F-8 D#8 L- When that I was a lit-tle ti-ny boy, With a heigh- ho! the wind and the rain, A H- Em B Em B Em B Em B Em B Em B Em B Em chorus: M-4W-4 E-8 F-8 G-8 a-8 b-0_a-0 G-0_F-0 E-8 D#0 D-0 E-8 F-8 G-8 a-8 b-0_a-0 G-0_F-0 E-8 G-0 a-0 L- foo- lish thing was but a toy, For the rain it rai- neth ev- 'ry day. With a H- Am B Em B Em B Em B Em M-4W-4 b-4 G-9 G-0 a-0_b-0 a-0 G-0 F-8 D#0 D-0 E-8 F-8 G-8 a-8 b-0_a-0 G-0_F-0 E-4 S-6 L- heigh- ho! the wind and the rain, for the rain it rai- neth ev- 'ry day.