N-My Wife's a Wanton Wee Thing C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-6/8 F- H- M-6e-0_d-0 S-6 c-4 G-8 a-8_c-8 G-8 c-5 G-4 a-8 b&8_c-8 b-8 F-8_D-8 F-8 b&5 D-4 e-0_d-0 c-4 G-8 a-0_b-0_c-8 G-8 L- My wife's a wan- to wee thing, My wife's a wan- ton wee thing, My wife's a wan- ton H- M-1c-5 G-4 F-8 E-8 C-8 E-8 D-9 B-0 D-8 C-5_C-4 E-0_F-0 G-8 a-8 G-8 E-8 C-8 E-8 G-5 E-4 E-8 L- wee thing, She win-na be gui- ded by me. She play'd the loon or she was mar- ried, She H- M-5F-8 G-8 F-8 D-8 B&8 D-8 F-5 D-4 E-0_F-0 G-8 c-8 G-8 E-8 C-8 E-8 G-5 G-4 f-8 e-8 c-8 e-8 d-8 b-8 d-8 L- play'd the loon or she was mar- ried, She play'd the loon or she was mar- ried, She'll do it a- gain or she H- M-1c-5_c-4 S-6 S-6 L- die.