N-The Derry Dems of Arrow C- A- T- S-100 K-F B-3/4 F- H- m-5R-7 R-7 f-7 h-7_h-7 i%7 S-6 j-4_j-7_j-7 i%7 j-7_j-7 j-7 ST78f-4_f-4 f-8 h-8 i-8 ST58j-4_j-0_i%0 j-0_i&0 h-8 ST34i-5 f-0 f-0 h-8 i-8 L- I knew a la- dy of the north, A fair, a fair O was she. She was cour-ted H- m-4j-4_j-7_j-7 i%7 j-0 j-0 j-8 f-5 g-0 g-0 h-8 f-8 ST24g-5 f-8 ST34e&8 f-4 R-8 R-4 S-6 L- by nine no-ble cow-boys On the der-ry dams of Ar- row.