N-Lassie Wi' the Yellow Coatie C- A- T- S-100 K-F B-3/4 F- H- M-5a-4 a-2 a-2 G-4 F-2 D-4 C-4 F-2 C-4 C-2 L- Las- sie wi' the yel- low coa- tie, Will ye H- M-5F-2 F-4 G-2 c-4 a-4 F-2 a-4 a-2 a-2 G-4 L- wed a muir- lin' Joc- kie? Las- sie wi' the H- M-6F-2 D-4 C-4 F-2 C-2 C-4 W-2 c-2 b-4 W-3 a-4_b-4 G-4 F-2 S-6 S-6 L- yel- low coa- tie, Will ye busk and gang wi' me?