N-Young Alan (9) C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-2/4 F-Bronson #9 H- M-6D-8 D-8 D-0_E-0 G-8 a-8 a-8 D-8 D-8 G-0 G-0 G-8 E-0_D-0 C-8 ST38C-4 R-8 ST68D-8 D-8 D-8 D-8 F-8 G-8 a-5 D-4 D-8 L- Fowre-an'-twen-ty sai-lor lads Sat mer-ri-ly drin-kin' wine. Some o' them raised t' their haor- ses An' B-6/8 H- M-6G-8 G-8 G-8 E-8 D-8 C-8 C-5 R-8 C-8 C-8 D-8 D-8 D-8 D-8 E-8 G-8 a-9 a-9 G-8 a-8 c-8 ST24a-8 c-8 E-0 D-0 C-8 D-4 R-8 S-6 L- Some o' them raised t' their land. But young Al-lan he raised t' his bon- nie ship that had cost him ma-ny a pound. B-2/4 H-(stanza 2) M-8C-8 S-6 D-7_D-7 D-7 D-8 F-0 G-0 a-0 a-8 a-0 D-8 D-8 G-8 G-8 E-8 D-0 C-0 C-4 R-8 C-0 C-0 D-8 D-8 D-8 F-0 G-0 ST68a-9 a-0 a-8 G-8 a-8 c-8 ST24a-0 c-8 c-0_E-9 D-0 S-6 L-"It's I will wa-ger wi' o-nie o' you It's wha' will wa-ger wi' me? For there's no a ship in-tae the lang day 'At-ll sail the seas wi' H- M-1D-4 R-4 S-6 L- me."