N-Young Peggy C- A-Robert Burns T- S-100 K-C B-4/4 F-tune: Loch Eroch Side (65) H- M-1C-0_D-0 S-6 E-8 G-8 G-8 a-0 b-0 c-9 d-0 c-8 b-8 a-9 G-0 a-8 c-8 d-9_e-0 d-8 D-8 E-8 G-8 G-8 a-0_b-0 c-9 d-0 e-9 d-0 d-0_c-0 b-0_a-0 G-0_a-0_c-0 E-0 D-5 S-6 L-Young Peg-gy blooms our bon-niest lass her blush is like the mor-ning. The ro-sy dawn the sprin-ging grass With ear-ly gems a-dor-ning. H- M-5g-0_f-0 S-6 e-8 g-8 c-8 e-0_f-0 g-0_f-0 e-0_f-0 g-9 e-0 f-8 h-8 d-8 f-0_g-0 h-4 h-8 g-0_f-0 e-9 g-0 d-9 e-0 c-9 G-0 a-9 c-0 G-9 c-0 e-9 c-0 d-4 S-6 L-Her eyes out-shine the ra-di-ant beam That gild the pas-sing show-er. And glit-ter o'er the cry-stal streams And cheer each pas-sing flo H- M-1c-8 S-6 S-6 L- wer.